Week 10 (Mar. 18) UNSOUND


OUR GUEST IS LENDL BARCELOS, SONIC RESEARCHER, DJ AND PHONOMAGUS who will lead us through various realms of the non-cochlear. Our conversation will deal with:


Sophie Woolley: A Testimony on Cochlear Implant (2014) (Drive)

Picturing a Voice: Margaret Watts Hughes and the Eidophone


Alison O’Daniel: The Tuba Thieves, Scene 61: The Kaleidoscopic Window (Drive)

Can you figure out the story being conveyed here? How did the story come together (or not) in your mind?

How do the three levels of information interact with each other?


This week, listen to the sounds in your world that are not dependent on ears. Take copious notes.

a) Pay attention to sounds that your body is registering, without “hearing” them. List the sounds that are discovered by touch (vibrations), list the sounds that are discovered by sight. (Also try spending an hour each day with your ears blocked)

b) Pay attention to the sounds in your dreams.

c) Watch television with the sound off. What do you hear in your mind’s ear?



15% of your mark is dedicated to the small exercises assigned throughout the term. I’ll be marking the three best exercises (5% each) after the term is done.  All of these exercises, as well as your Projects (2 & 3) should be uploaded to the Drive.

These exercises are:

I Am Sitting in a(nother) Room (Week 2)

Unknown public space (Week 5)

Speech Re-edit (Week 6)

Recording of silent space w/ notes. (Week 10)


In the event you would like to raise your total mark, here are a couple of extra writing-based exercises that can do the trick, dealing with particular phenomenologies.

Noise/Silence listening exercise w/ notes (Week 10): A write-up of the experience of listening to the one-hour noise-silence piece. (See above for parameters.) (750-1000 words)

Experiencing the non-cochlear (Week 9): A write-up of experiences of sound that take place in other sensory modes: With blocked ears, the experience of sound via sight and touch; listening to the TV without the sound; etc. See Week 9 for more details. (750-1000 words)

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